Configure your SaaS application.
SaaSKits provides easy way to configure your SaaS application.
You can configure your application by editing the brand/config.ts
This file contains the following configuration options:
export const siteConfig = {
title: "Remix SaaSkit",
description: "Remix SaaSkit is a starter kit for building SaaS applications with Remix.",
baseUrl: "",
ogImage: "",
} as const
This is a basic configuration that you can use to get started.
SaaSKits also provides a way to set your default SEO tags. You can do this by editing the brand/config.ts
export const seoConfig: DefaultSeoProps ={
title: siteConfig.title,
description: "Remix SaaSkit is a starter kit for building SaaS applications with Remix.",
openGraph: {
type: "website",
locale: "en_US",
url: siteConfig.baseUrl,
title: siteConfig.title,
description: siteConfig.description,
siteName: siteConfig.title,
images: [
url: siteConfig.ogImage,
width: 1200,
height: 630,
alt: siteConfig.title,
twitter: {
handle: "@SaaSKits",
site: siteConfig.baseUrl,
cardType: "summary_large_image",
This is a very minimal yet effective SEO configuration. You can add more SEO tags as per your requirements.
You can change the logo of your application by replacing the brand/logo.tsx
import { cn } from "../utils"
type Props = React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>
export const Logo = ({ className, ...props }: Props) => {
return (
// Replace viewBox with your logo viewBox
viewBox="0 0 215 40"
className={cn("w-auto text-black dark:text-white", className)}
// Replace svg path with your logo svg path
Replace svg path with your logo svg path.
You can provide custom classnames to the logo by passing the className