Folder Structure

Folder Structure

The folder structure of the project

SaaSKits folder structure follows Remix's folder structure.

App folder contains the main application code. It contains the following folders:

  • app/routes contains the routes of the application
  • app/components contains the components of the application
  • app/models contains the models of the application
  • app/lib contains the libraries of the application
  • app/services contains the services of the application

App folder also contains the following files:

  • app/entry.server.tsx is the entry point of the server side rendering
  • app/entry.client.tsx is the entry point of the client side rendering
  • app/root.tsx is the root component of the application
  • app/tailwind.css is the tailwind css file of the application

Prisma folder contains the prisma schema and seed files.

  • prisma/schema.prisma is the prisma schema file
  • prisma/seed.ts is the prisma seed file

Public folder contains the public assets of the application.

  • public/favicon.ico is the favicon of the application
  • public/og.png is the open graph image of the application

We have provided default setup for the following tools:

  • Tailwind CSS: The Tailwind CSS configuration file is located at tailwind.config.js.

  • TypeScript: The TypeScript configuration file is located at tsconfig.json.

  • ESLint: The ESLint configuration file is located at .eslintrc.js.

  • Prettier: The Prettier configuration file is located at .prettierrc.js.

We have provided all these configurations to make it easier for you to start your project. You can change them as you wish.

Please make sure to read the documentation of these tools to learn more about them.